Friday, May 28, 2010

Food Revolution Friday

On the menu today, Jamie Oliver's Chicken Korma.  I had planned to make it yesterday but with the kids sick, me sick and the chicken still frozen it just wasn't going to happen.  In an effort to make it happen today I chopped the onions, ginger and cilantro stems while the kids played.

Please ignore the messy kitchen towels in the background.  P is extra clingy due to the cold - so these were taken while holding her and trying to focus the camera.

I think it looks like a lot of ginger but I do quite like it and it's supposed to be good to eat when sick so here we go!
The onions, cilantro stems and ginger sweating in the hot oil. It smelled absolutely amazing.

Browning up nicely.  Some of it got a little more brown/black than I wanted but what can you do with a clingy toddler?
This is the final product.  So delicious.
For the life of me I can't get Blogger to recognize the picture the other way.

Again, Blogger wouldn't cooperate.  Sorry.

I made the first iteration of the salad per Jamie's book.  That means I didn't add seeds, clementines or the feta.  The only change I made was to use 5T of olive oil not 6T.  Amazing. The mint was very refreshing.  A nice compliment to the curry.

The kids had never had curry before so I wasn't sure how it would go over.  They ate it up.  Not quite with the gusto I was hoping for but they both, eventually, cleaned their plates.  P ate about half of her carrot salad and K finished his.  I will admit that it might have been the threat of no dessert that motivated him.

I also made banana bread today but I'll save that for another post.


Scatteredmom said...

Yummy! I made carrot evolution salad this week too, but I added some sunflower seeds and feta. The salty feta was a really nice compliment to the carrots, and it packed really well in a lunch. Also, I'm with you-many of Jamie's recipes have more oil than I'd like, so I cut it down (with this recipe I reduced it to 3 tbsp).

I think I know what was wrong with your photos, and I'll try to explain. With my camera, the software flips the pic the right way when I'm looking at it in the program, but the photo is actually turned sideways (like yours) in any other format. I have to save a copy of the original and then turn it in the program, save a copy of that, and then export so that I can upload to Blogger. Hope that made sense.

The Chicken curry looks amazing! I haven't tried any of the curry recipes yet. Hope your family is better soon!

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