Monday, June 7, 2010

Busy morning in the kitchen

This is what I've been up to this morning:

My rhubarb from the Farmer's Market ready to be stewed.

Roast chicken stock simmering away in the crock pot.  After twelve hours it's absolutely the best chicken stock I've ever had.  If I do say so myself.

Homemade white bread.  I haven't made bread in decades but thought I'd try it again.  Can't be bad, right?

Pioneer Woman's Pot of Beans.  I love these and make them every couple of weeks.

Dishes.  Lots and lots of dishes.

I've also done laundry, done errands, played with the kids and fed them lunch but you don't really care about any of that.  Just another day in the life of this stay at home mom.


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