Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I just read an interesting statistic on Kayotic Kitchen: Most blogs don't make it past the first three months.

I've been thinking about this blog a lot over the last few days.  I've been cooking and baking like mad but haven't taken pictures.  And feeling guilty that I haven't been memorializing all of it.  I'm going to blame our extremely active summer schedule and resulting hungry, no starved, children.  Seriously, K turned off his beloved TV before Dora's happy dance finished to eat supper.  That never happens.  He and his sister watch almost no TV and when they do they watch a 10 min episode of Word Word or 15 min 4 Square.  Dora and the rest her Treehouse friends are a rarity.  So when we agree to put Treehouse on there's usually a fit when we turn it off.  I still can't quite believe he turned it off early and ran to the table.
Strawberry Ice Cream anyone?
This is your basic Philadelphia Style Ice Cream with a strained strawberry puree mixed in. YUM!
2 c half and half
scant 2/3 c sugar
1 T vanilla extract
1 c strawberry puree, strained

Combine the half and half, sugar, and vanilla.  Stir until dissolved.
Add the strawberry puree and freeze an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.  I had to freeze it in two batches because mine doesn't hold much.

Mark Bittman recommends that this be eaten within two days.  Ours, to my uneducated palate, was still delicious when M & I finished it 2 weeks later. MMMMMMM!


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